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Pair Last price 24H Change 24H High 24H Low Volume
ETH/BTC 0.0392 0.46% 0.03943 0.03874 15299.6375
XRP/BNB 0.0009438 0.36% 0.0009477 0.0009327 224346
BCH/BTC 0.005168 -0.81% 0.005226 0.005145 1084.739
ETH/EUR 2140.38 -0.34% 2177.72 2068.27 3231.73215537
XRP/EUR 0.4933 2.26% 0.4958 0.4817 1354205
BNB/ETH 0.2303 -1.03% 0.2341 0.2287 4916.996
BTC/EUR 52423.83 0.42% 52649 50490.85 276.72729428
LIR/EUR 1 0.03% 3 0.067195 1651.64
BCH/EUR 311.31 4.15% 311.95 289.52 718.32699456
USDT/EUR 0.90787 0.06% 0.90909 0.90469 8213503.05